Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Painting for Myself

Cyclamen in Miniature

Oil on Board 6x8"
Bridget Hunter 2013

I enjoy doing small studies and these cyclamen form a wonderful umbrella above the blue/green leaves.
The overall shape has proved fascinating to such an extent that I think I've now painted the plant 4 times, from different angles and on different shaped boards, though all quite small.

I'm now painting for me, myself and enjoying just looking and recording and using paint for it's qualities as "a visual language" to express an idea.

The painting "The Coastguard's Garden 1" is trying to show what it was like to be in a partly neglected garden behind a wall but where sea breezes were causing ripples of movement.

And I like adding the "1" in the title to show it's the first of a group of paintings, a series, which is another new way of working for me.
It's wonderful to feel free to paint what I want 
rather than be under pressure to produce.

The Coastguard's Garden 1

Oil on Board 20x20"
Bridget Hunter 2013


  1. Bridget, The best way to paint...for yourself. Everything else falls into place...this can be such a special time for exploration, trips and developing ones way of art making! When I became a widow at 48, I made arrangements and a studio in my house so that I could finally have the time to devote to creating. What seems like a hundred years later and a new husband...I'm still in my studio most days!

    1. That sounds a wonderful way to spend your time. I'm certainly finding it more enjoyable.

  2. I really like the cyclamen painting; do they grow wild there? Painting for your self usually results in the best and truest work, I find.

  3. Thankyou Sharmon. Cyclamen do grow wild in woods but also in gardens. These were bought in pots and I'm going to pop them in outside pots hoping they'll bloom for a few weeks more.

  4. As my Kiwi friends would say...."good on ya!"
    xo Carole


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