Sunday, 23 May 2010

Portnuairk Ardnamurchan


  1. How great that you included other photos, let's me into your painting a bit more. How ambitious you are to do such a large plein air.

  2. What absolute fun...just the right combination of place, people and drink and oh yes, painting too! Lovely!

  3. hi bridget,

    many thanks for your comments :)
    hm... lovely images of ardnamurchan... it's been a few years that i've been last. i need to go again, soon i hope.

    did you see the kurt jackson exhibition in ed about ardnamurchan? it was the first of his that i saw in real life, and i must admit i was very disappointed. i felt it could have just been a big showroom for expensive cars. the treatment of the landscape seemed too generic and not particularly interested... which is a shame. i remember how much i enjoyed discovering his thames project a few years back.

    happy painting... i've been doing rather little of that recently. printmaking is what i've mainly done over the past year, but your oil paintings reminded me about: more oil paint, hopefully soon.

    all best,


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